

第1行: 第1行:
"use strict";

* 去掉内容与链接文本相同的 popup
* @author [[User:UnownHearn]]
* @version 1 (2018/07/28)
(function () {
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14346414/how-do-you-do-html-encode-using-javascript
function htmlEncode(value) {
//create a in-memory div, set it's inner text(which jQuery automatically encodes)
//then grab the encoded contents back out. The div never exists on the page.
return $('<div/>').text(value).html();

$(".WikiaArticle a[title]").hover(function () {
if (this.className != "") { return; } // 作为 wikilink 的超链接没有 class
var a = $(this);
var title = a.attr("title");
if (title != a.text()) {
a.append($('<span class="wikilink-popup">' + htmlEncode(title) + '</span>'));
}, function () {

* 自动转换链接
* @author [[User:UnownHearn]]
* @version 1.1 (2019/03/18)
(function () { /* 自动链接 */
var filter = (function (node) {
if (node.nodeType == 3 /* TEXT_NODE */) {
return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
} else if (node.nodeType != 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE */
|| node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "a"
|| node.classList.contains("no-autolink")) {
return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;


var rules = [{
// id: "mylist",
regex: /(mylist)\/\d+/g,
link: "https://www.nicovideo.jp/{}"
}, {
// id: "av",
regex: /(av)\d+/g,
link: "https://www.bilibili.com/video/{}"
}, {
// id: ["sm", "nm"],
regex: /(sm|nm)\d+/g,
link: "https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/{}"

var nodes = [];

var as = document.getElementsByClassName("WikiaArticle");
Array.prototype.forEach.call(as, function(a) {
var walker = document.createTreeWalker(a, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, { acceptNode: filter });
while (walker.nextNode()) {

for (var nodeIndex in nodes) {
var node = nodes[nodeIndex];
var html = node.textContent;

for (var ruleIndex in rules) {
var rule = rules[ruleIndex];
html = html.replace(rule.regex, function (old) {
return "<a class=\"autolink\" href=\"" + rule.link.replace("{}", old) + "\">" +
old + "</a>";

if (html != node.textContent) {
var parentNode = node.parentNode;
var dummy = document.createElement("div");
dummy.nodeValue = html;
parentNode.replaceChild(div, dummy);

2021年5月1日 (六) 14:08的最新版本