local p = {}
function p.make()
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
local parent = frame:getParent()
local arg = parent.args['image']
if string.byte(arg, 1) == 127 then --< 参数可能是 <gallery>…</gallery>
return arg
-- arg = string.sub(arg, 2, -1)
-- pattern = '^%s*<gallery>.*</gallery>%s*$'
-- old_arg = arg
-- arg = string.match(arg, pattern)
-- if arg == nil then
-- error('The image argument of this template (module) must be a file name in plain text or a <gallery> element. Test:' .. mw.text.unstrip(parent.args['image']))
-- end
-- images = {}
-- for image_line in arg:gmatch('[^\r\n]+') do
-- -- table.insert(lines, line)
-- local sep = image_line:find('|')
-- table.insert(images, {
-- file = string.sub(image_line, 1, sep-1),
-- title = string.sub(image_line, sep+1, -1)
-- })
-- end
-- return mw.dumpObject(images) --< debug
else --< 参数是图片名
return frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Infobox/item/single image', args = {
image = arg, caption = parent.args['caption']
} }
return p